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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Worried About Getting Old Without Achieving Your Dreams?

If you find out that you have given in to getting oldAging Out, it is not too late to make a detour and make new start. Growing old especially when you start to remember those things you used to do but could not do anymore. Those friends you used to play with but are not there anymore. Your children that you used to shout at and play with that are not there anymore. Hope is however not lost. You can still make a new start by following the tips below.

1. Make a list of everything you have always wanted to do. Every place you have always to visit. Every dream you have always wanted to fulfill. Every goal you have always wanted to achieve. Write them all out.
2. Then cross out those you have been able to fulfill. The places you have been able to visit. The dreams you have been able to fulfill. The things you have been able to do. Above all, the goals you have been able to achieve.
3. Study the remaining items – dreams yet to be fulfilled, goals yet to be achieved and places yet to be visited. These will now become your magnificent obsession, your compelling future and your purpose for the rest of your life.
4. Then ask yourself why you have not fulfilled or accomplished them. What excuses have you been giving yourself? By finding answers to these questions you shall be making a new path for yourself. By finding these answers, you shall be finding true purpose for yourself. Once you become absorbed in accomplishing these unfulfilled dreams and goals you shall think less and less about getting old.


To change your life from that of a person worrying about growing old you need two things:

1. Courage to change and chart a new course.
2. A new path, a compelling future or a magnificent obsession.

Do you want to chart a new course now? If you do, CLICK HERE

Aging Out

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Secret yet Untold !!!

There is this principle about wealth building which is so clear simple but unfortunately people do not pay much attention to it. This principle has made those who have applied it mammoth wealth. However the principle is so simple that even a child of five years could apply it to make money if he desires. We human beings have always overlooked the principle to our disadvantage. It is however the exclusive preserve of the rich. They have applied the principle to their advantage and consequently used it to accumulate wealth.

I stumbled on this principle in the course of my countless forays into knowledge acquisition. So what is this principle?


There you have it. Simple you will say, untapped. There was the story of a man in the part of the world where I come from who made mammoth wealth by applying this principle. You see in our part of the world we are used to holding important functions like weddings, carnivals and funeral ceremonies where several thousands of people will attend on open grounds. These open grounds are usually devoid of conveniences, in particular toilet facilities. The man therefore constructed movable portable toilets and started hiring them out. Those hiring them will use them and he would pack the mess. To him “SHIT BUSINESS IS BIG BUSINESS.” You see he made lots of money and he is still making it. No one loved packing shit. He however packed the mess of others and made money out of it. He was a pioneer of some sort, but a pioneer in shit business which people hates performing.

Am sure you want to build wealth too. Why not apply this principle? Look around you. Discover those services people do not like performing and do them. I bet you will smile to the bank. There are several and you only need to be observant. Do it today before it is too late.

If however you want to build wealth now CLICK HERE!!!

The 100 Best Things I've Sold on eBay: My Story--by The Queen of Auctions (The 100 Best Things I've Sold, 1)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Every Adversity Carries Inside It a Gift

Every problem has a solution just like every solution has a problem. Whatever problem it is you are facing today, inside it is a gift which if you are able to discover will do you a world of good. Never see adversity as a curse. Rather see adversity as a gift because within that adversity lie the seed of a worthwhile and fulfilling future. Therefore learn from your adversity rather than worrying yourself to death about it. Who has not fallen victim of one form of adversity or the other? The rich welcome adversity when it befalls them. They know adversity follows after some laws which guide it and once they are able to abide by those laws the world is at their feet.

Laws of Adversity

·         Adversity is not optional. Both good people and bad people suffer misfortune. Likewise the both the rich and the poor suffers misfortune. Same with the righteous and the sinners.
·         You might not be able to choose whether you will meet with misfortune or not, but you can choose not to remain permanently under the scourge of misfortune.
·         We tend to learn more from our setbacks than from our successes.
·         Surviving setbacks is a great way of building self confidence which in a way better prepares one for future adversity.
·         Adversity helps prevent arrogance and complacency.
·         Adversity encourages creativity. When things are not working, it forces one to be more creative.
·         Whatever it is you have fought to gain through adversity, you will fight to keep.
·         Without the valley you have been plunged through adversity you will not appreciate the mountain of success.
·         Adversity keeps teaching. Besides, adversity is a silent teacher.
·         In every adversity there is a blessing. Every adversity carries inside it a gift.

Are you presently under an adverse situation? Do not despair, because it is just a passing phase. Never see yourself as a failure. See yourself as a SUCCESS that you are.


Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough.

If you really want to banish adversity now CLICK HERE